
ViaData (Pty) Ltd develops custom business systems to meet accurately defined business requirements. We specialise in the provision of high quality, innovative solutions for organisations that cannot obtain mass-produced software suitable for their businesses.

Since the firm was established in 1990 our aim has been to develop a true learning organisation, and to develop and continually enhance a base of business knowledge, development techniques and software components. We use this base to significantly reduce overall development and testing time, thus allowing us to focus on those areas that will bring the greatest value to our clients.


Our aim is to deliver exceptional value for money. The fact that all our new business has been achieved through referrals bears testimony to our ability to achieve this value. We believe in having an open and honest relationship with our customers and pride ourselves on having no hidden agendas. We embrace and follow the Agile software development philosophy and methodology, we continually strive to satisfy our customers through early and continuous delivery of valuable software.


Over the past 20 years we have established a loyal and satisfied customer base. Our past and present customers include the University of Cape Town, Pick 'n Pay, Old Mutual, BP, Dole South Africa, Overseas Container Leasing, OLRAC, Engen, Santam and Allan Gray Orbis Foundation, Educore, Go2Africa and the Sports Science Institute of South Africa.

Skills and Strengths

We have very strong skills in data modelling and analysis. These skills have played a key part in our success, providing us with a real understanding of the information that supports a business and enabling us to develop lasting solutions. Our business philosophy focuses strongly on system integration and solution flexibility.

We have a wealth of systems knowledge and experience, which we apply as we move into a new business or technical area. In addition, we ensure that new knowledge and experience gained are retained for application in later developments.

As a realisation of our Agile philosophy, we have developed a Business Systems Engine (Catalyst BSE ™) that enables us to deliver sotware that is cost-effective, reliable and flexible, both quickly and confidently.

Human Resources, Empowerment and Black Economic Empowerment (BEE)

ViaData is very aware of the critical importance of each and every staff member to the business and we enjoy a high degree of staff loyalty, a factor that greatly increases our ability to deliver outstanding service.

ViaData is a competency based, equal opportunity employer. We employ highly qualified and experienced systems professionals whose focus is directed towards adding value to our client's business and not towards the use of technology for technology's sake. Over and above the technical competencies required for the work that we undertake, we specifically look for and develop enthusiasm, initiative, flexibility and independent critical thinking in our staff.

We are committed to BEE through shareholding, employment, management and social responsibility. We were recently independantly assessed as a Level 3 contributor.

Social Responsibility

ViaData enjoys a close relationship with the Commerce Faculty at the University of Cape Town.

Since 1992, ViaData has sponsored an annual award for the best information systems project undertaken by final year undergraduate students in the faculty. We have also actively participated in the IS Honours programme and mentored student project teams. We have been proactively involved in obtaining employment for students from the Faculty on completion of their studies.

We have undertaken a number of pro bono projects for the Pregnancy Help Centre and other non-profit organisations based in Cape Town. We have also donated equipment that we have replaced to educational and community support institutions .

ViaData sponsored and supported a fund-raising ball in aid of the Starfish foundation. The ball was an overwhelming success and resulted in a donation of over R360,000 to the Starfish foundation.
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