Catalyst BSE™ has enabled ViaData to develop and implement business applications,
- On spec (if not exceeding expectations);
- In less time (typically half the time required for a standard development cycle);
- At lower cost;
- With less risk;
Other benefits of using the Catalyst BSE™ include:
- Business benefits of using the application are realised far sooner due to the early delivery of the project.
- Return on Investment (ROI) can be demonstrated to management far sooner.
- Far less money is spent on post project support and maintenance.
- Commitment to develop a system is only made after the understanding of the system fundamentals is proven.
- The system being developed will meet the client's requirements.
- The risk of system failure due to unclear requirements is eliminated.
- The system development process and, hence, the allocation and usage of scarce resources is predictable.
- No surprises or omissions will be found during system development and implementation.
- Scarce resources will not be wasted on unnecessary re-work.
- The client will have increased confidence when planning.
- The long-term quality of the customer's data resource will be optimised.
- The database will be able to accommodate new ways of doing business, new lines of business, even new businesses - without restructuring the database and, thus, rewriting the systems that rely upon it.
To learn more about Catalyst BSE™ download the product brochure.
Read about what some of our clients have to say by clicking here.